Source code for django_facebook.api

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError

from django_facebook import settings as facebook_settings, signals
from django_facebook.exceptions import FacebookException
from django_facebook.utils import get_user_model, mass_get_or_create, \
    cleanup_oauth_url, get_profile_model, parse_signed_request, hash_key, \
    try_get_profile, get_user_attribute
from open_facebook import exceptions as open_facebook_exceptions
from open_facebook.exceptions import OpenFacebookException
from open_facebook.utils import send_warning, validate_is_instance
import datetime
import json
import logging

    from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date
except ImportError:
    from django_facebook.utils import parse_like_datetime as parse_date

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def require_persistent_graph(request, *args, **kwargs): ''' Just like get_persistent graph, but instead of returning None raise an OpenFacebookException if we can't access facebook ''' kwargs['raise_'] = True graph = get_persistent_graph(request, *args, **kwargs) if not graph: raise OpenFacebookException('please authenticate') return graph
[docs]def require_facebook_graph(request, *args, **kwargs): ''' Just like get_facebook graph, but instead of returning None raise an OpenFacebookException if we can't access facebook ''' kwargs['raise_'] = True graph = get_facebook_graph(request, *args, **kwargs) if not graph: raise OpenFacebookException('please authenticate') return graph
[docs]def get_persistent_graph(request, *args, **kwargs): ''' Wraps itself around get facebook graph But stores the graph in the session, allowing usage across multiple pageviews. Note that Facebook session's expire at some point, you can't store this for permanent usage Atleast not without asking for the offline_access permission ''' from open_facebook.api import OpenFacebook if not request: raise(ValidationError, 'Request is required if you want to use persistent tokens') graph = None # some situations like an expired access token require us to refresh our # graph require_refresh = False code = request.POST.get('code', request.GET.get('code')) if code: require_refresh = True local_graph = getattr(request, 'facebook', None) if local_graph: # gets the graph from the local memory if available graph = local_graph if not graph: # search for the graph in the session cached_graph_dict = request.session.get('graph_dict') if cached_graph_dict: graph = OpenFacebook() graph.__setstate__(cached_graph_dict) graph._me = None if not graph or require_refresh: # gets the new graph, note this might do token conversions (slow) graph = get_facebook_graph(request, *args, **kwargs) # if it's valid replace the old cache if graph is not None and graph.access_token: request.session['graph_dict'] = graph.__getstate__() # add the current user id and cache the graph at the request level _add_current_user_id(graph, request.user) request.facebook = graph return graph
[docs]def get_facebook_graph(request=None, access_token=None, redirect_uri=None, raise_=False): ''' given a request from one of these - js authentication flow (signed cookie) - facebook app authentication flow (signed cookie) - facebook oauth redirect (code param in url) - mobile authentication flow (direct access_token) - offline access token stored in user profile returns a graph object redirect path is the path from which you requested the token for some reason facebook needs exactly this uri when converting the code to a token falls back to the current page without code in the request params specify redirect_uri if you are not posting and recieving the code on the same page ''' # this is not a production flow, but very handy for testing query_access_token = request.POST.get( 'access_token', request.GET.get('access_token')) if not access_token and query_access_token: access_token = query_access_token # should drop query params be included in the open facebook api, # maybe, weird this... from open_facebook import OpenFacebook, FacebookAuthorization from django.core.cache import cache expires = None if hasattr(request, 'facebook') and request.facebook: graph = request.facebook _add_current_user_id(graph, request.user) return graph # parse the signed request if we have it signed_data = None if request: signed_request_string = request.POST.get( 'signed_data', request.GET.get('signed_data')) if signed_request_string:'Got signed data from facebook') signed_data = parse_signed_request(signed_request_string) if signed_data:'We were able to parse the signed data') # the easy case, we have an access token in the signed data if signed_data and 'oauth_token' in signed_data: access_token = signed_data['oauth_token'] if not access_token: # easy case, code is in the get code = request.POST.get('code', request.GET.get('code')) if code:'Got code from the request data') if not code: # signed request or cookie leading, base 64 decoding needed cookie_name = 'fbsr_%s' % facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_APP_ID cookie_data = request.COOKIES.get(cookie_name) if cookie_data: signed_request_string = cookie_data if signed_request_string:'Got signed data from cookie') signed_data = parse_signed_request(signed_request_string) if signed_data:'Parsed the cookie data') # the javascript api assumes a redirect uri of '' redirect_uri = '' if signed_data: # parsed data can fail because of signing issues if 'oauth_token' in signed_data:'Got access_token from parsed data') # we already have an active access token in the data access_token = signed_data['oauth_token'] else:'Got code from parsed data') # no access token, need to use this code to get one code = signed_data.get('code', None) if not access_token: if code: cache_key = hash_key('convert_code_%s' % code) access_token = cache.get(cache_key) if not access_token: # exchange the code for an access token # based on the php api # # create a default for the redirect_uri # when using the javascript sdk the default # should be '' an empty string # for other pages it should be the url if not redirect_uri: redirect_uri = '' # we need to drop signed_data, code and state redirect_uri = cleanup_oauth_url(redirect_uri) try: 'trying to convert the code with redirect uri: %s', redirect_uri) # This is realy slow, that's why it's cached token_response = FacebookAuthorization.convert_code( code, redirect_uri=redirect_uri) expires = token_response.get('expires') access_token = token_response['access_token'] # would use cookies instead, but django's cookie setting # is a bit of a mess cache.set(cache_key, access_token, 60 * 60 * 2) except (open_facebook_exceptions.OAuthException, open_facebook_exceptions.ParameterException) as e: # this sometimes fails, but it shouldnt raise because # it happens when users remove your # permissions and then try to reauthenticate logger.warn('Error when trying to convert code %s', str(e)) if raise_: raise else: return None elif request.user.is_authenticated(): # support for offline access tokens stored in the users profile profile = try_get_profile(request.user) access_token = get_user_attribute( request.user, profile, 'access_token') if not access_token: if raise_: message = 'Couldnt find an access token in the request or the users profile' raise open_facebook_exceptions.OAuthException(message) else: return None else: if raise_: message = 'Couldnt find an access token in the request or cookies' raise open_facebook_exceptions.OAuthException(message) else: return None graph = OpenFacebook(access_token, signed_data, expires=expires) # add user specific identifiers if request: _add_current_user_id(graph, request.user) return graph
def _add_current_user_id(graph, user): ''' set the current user id, convenient if you want to make sure you fb session and user belong together ''' if graph: graph.current_user_id = None if user.is_authenticated(): profile = try_get_profile(user) facebook_id = get_user_attribute(user, profile, 'facebook_id') if facebook_id: graph.current_user_id = facebook_id
[docs]class FacebookUserConverter(object): ''' This conversion class helps you to convert Facebook users to Django users Helps with - extracting and prepopulating full profile data - invite flows - importing and storing likes ''' def __init__(self, open_facebook): from open_facebook.api import OpenFacebook self.open_facebook = open_facebook validate_is_instance(open_facebook, OpenFacebook) self._profile = None def is_authenticated(self): return self.open_facebook.is_authenticated()
[docs] def facebook_registration_data(self, username=True): ''' Gets all registration data and ensures its correct input for a django registration ''' facebook_profile_data = self.facebook_profile_data() user_data = {} try: user_data = self._convert_facebook_data( facebook_profile_data, username=username) except OpenFacebookException as e: self._report_broken_facebook_data( user_data, facebook_profile_data, e) raise return user_data
[docs] def facebook_profile_data(self): ''' Returns the facebook profile data, together with the image locations ''' if self._profile is None: profile = profile['image'] = self.open_facebook.my_image_url('large') profile['image_thumb'] = self.open_facebook.my_image_url() self._profile = profile return self._profile
@classmethod def _convert_facebook_data(cls, facebook_profile_data, username=True): ''' Takes facebook user data and converts it to a format for usage with Django ''' user_data = facebook_profile_data.copy() profile = facebook_profile_data.copy() website = profile.get('website') if website: user_data['website_url'] = cls._extract_url(website) user_data['facebook_profile_url'] = profile.get('link') user_data['facebook_name'] = profile.get('name') if len(user_data.get('email', '')) > 75: # no more fake email accounts for facebook del user_data['email'] gender = profile.get('gender', None) if gender == 'male': user_data['gender'] = 'm' elif gender == 'female': user_data['gender'] = 'f' user_data['username'] = cls._retrieve_facebook_username(user_data) user_data['password2'], user_data['password1'] = ( cls._generate_fake_password(),) * 2 # same as double equal facebook_map = dict(birthday='date_of_birth', about='about_me', id='facebook_id') for k, v in facebook_map.items(): user_data[v] = user_data.get(k) user_data['facebook_id'] = int(user_data['facebook_id']) if not user_data['about_me'] and user_data.get('quotes'): user_data['about_me'] = user_data.get('quotes') user_data['date_of_birth'] = cls._parse_data_of_birth( user_data['date_of_birth']) if username: user_data['username'] = cls._create_unique_username( user_data['username']) # make sure the first and last name are not too long if 'first_name' in user_data: user_data['first_name'] = user_data['first_name'][:30] if 'last_name' in user_data: user_data['last_name'] = user_data['last_name'][:30] return user_data @classmethod def _extract_url(cls, text_url_field): ''' >>> from django_facebook.api import FacebookApi >>> url_text = ' blabla' >>> FacebookAPI._extract_url(url_text) u'' >>> url_text = '' >>> FacebookAPI._extract_url(url_text) u'' >>> url_text = '' >>> FacebookAPI._extract_url(url_text) u'' >>> url_text = '' >>> FacebookAPI._extract_url(url_text) u'' ''' import re text_url_field = text_url_field.encode('utf8') seperation = re.compile('[ ,;\n\r]+') try: parts = seperation.split(text_url_field) except TypeError: parts = seperation.split(text_url_field.decode()) for part in parts: from django_facebook.utils import get_url_field url_check = get_url_field() try: clean_url = url_check.clean(part) return clean_url except ValidationError: continue @classmethod def _generate_fake_password(cls): ''' Returns a random fake password ''' import string from random import choice size = 9 try: string.letters except AttributeError: string.letters = string.ascii_letters password = ''.join([choice(string.letters + string.digits) for i in range(size)]) return password.lower() @classmethod def _parse_data_of_birth(cls, data_of_birth_string): if data_of_birth_string: format = '%m/%d/%Y' try: parsed_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( data_of_birth_string, format) return parsed_date except ValueError: # Facebook sometimes provides a partial date format # ie 04/07 (ignore those) if data_of_birth_string.count('/') != 1: raise @classmethod def _report_broken_facebook_data(cls, facebook_data, original_facebook_data, e): ''' Sends a nice error email with the - facebook data - exception - stacktrace ''' from pprint import pformat data_dump = json.dumps(original_facebook_data) data_dump_python = pformat(original_facebook_data) message_format = 'The following facebook data failed with error %s' \ '\n\n json %s \n\n python %s \n' data_tuple = (unicode(e), data_dump, data_dump_python) message = message_format % data_tuple extra_data = { 'data_dump': data_dump, 'data_dump_python': data_dump_python, 'facebook_data': facebook_data, } send_warning(message, **extra_data) @classmethod def _create_unique_username(cls, base_username): ''' Check the database and add numbers to the username to ensure its unique ''' usernames = list( get_user_model().objects.filter( username__istartswith=base_username ).values_list('username', flat=True)) usernames_lower = [u.lower() for u in usernames] username = str(base_username) i = 1 while base_username.lower() in usernames_lower: base_username = username + str(i) i += 1 return base_username @classmethod def _retrieve_facebook_username(cls, facebook_data): ''' Search for the username in 3 places - public profile - email - name ''' username = None # start by checking the public profile link (your facebook username) link = facebook_data.get('link') if link: username = link.split('/')[-1] username = cls._make_username(username) if username and 'profilephp' in username: username = None # try the email adress next if not username and 'email' in facebook_data: username = cls._make_username(facebook_data.get( 'email').split('@')[0]) # last try the name of the user if not username or len(username) < 4: username = cls._make_username(facebook_data.get('name')) if not username: raise FacebookException('couldnt figure out a username') return username @classmethod def _make_username(cls, username): ''' Slugify the username and replace - with _ to meet username requirements ''' from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify from unidecode import unidecode slugified_name = slugify(unidecode(username)).replace('-', '_') # consider the username min and max constraints slugified_name = slugified_name[:30] if len(username) < 4: slugified_name = None return slugified_name
[docs] def get_and_store_likes(self, user): ''' Gets and stores your facebook likes to DB Both the get and the store run in a async task when FACEBOOK_CELERY_STORE = True ''' if facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_CELERY_STORE: from django_facebook.tasks import get_and_store_likes get_and_store_likes.delay(user, self) else: self._get_and_store_likes(user)
def _get_and_store_likes(self, user): likes = self.get_likes() stored_likes = self._store_likes(user, likes) return stored_likes
[docs] def get_likes(self, limit=5000): ''' Parses the facebook response and returns the likes ''' likes_response = self.open_facebook.get('me/likes', limit=limit) likes = likes_response and likes_response.get('data')'found %s likes', len(likes)) return likes
[docs] def store_likes(self, user, likes): ''' Given a user and likes store these in the db Note this can be a heavy operation, best to do it in the background using celery ''' if facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_CELERY_STORE: from django_facebook.tasks import store_likes store_likes.delay(user, likes) else: self._store_likes(user, likes)
@classmethod def _store_likes(self, user, likes): current_likes = inserted_likes = None if likes: from django_facebook.models import FacebookLike base_queryset = FacebookLike.objects.filter( global_defaults = dict( id_field = 'facebook_id' default_dict = {} for like in likes: name = like.get('name') created_time_string = like.get('created_time') created_time = None if created_time_string: created_time = parse_date(like['created_time']) default_dict[like['id']] = dict( created_time=created_time, category=like.get('category'), name=name ) current_likes, inserted_likes = mass_get_or_create( FacebookLike, base_queryset, id_field, default_dict, global_defaults) logger.debug('found %s likes and inserted %s new likes', len(current_likes), len(inserted_likes)) # fire an event, so u can do things like personalizing the users' account # based on the likes signals.facebook_post_store_likes.send(sender=get_profile_model(), user=user, likes=likes, current_likes=current_likes, inserted_likes=inserted_likes, ) return likes
[docs] def get_and_store_friends(self, user): ''' Gets and stores your facebook friends to DB Both the get and the store run in a async task when FACEBOOK_CELERY_STORE = True ''' if facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_CELERY_STORE: from django_facebook.tasks import get_and_store_friends get_and_store_friends.delay(user, self) else: self._get_and_store_friends(user)
def _get_and_store_friends(self, user): ''' Getting the friends via fb and storing them ''' friends = self.get_friends() stored_friends = self._store_friends(user, friends) return stored_friends
[docs] def get_friends(self, limit=5000): ''' Connects to the facebook api and gets the users friends ''' friends = getattr(self, '_friends', None) if friends is None: friends_response = self.open_facebook.get('me/friends', limit=limit, fields='gender,name') friends = [] for response_dict in friends_response.get('data'): response_dict['id'] = response_dict['id'] friends.append(response_dict)'found %s friends', len(friends)) return friends
[docs] def store_friends(self, user, friends): ''' Stores the given friends locally for this user Quite slow, better do this using celery on a secondary db ''' if facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_CELERY_STORE: from django_facebook.tasks import store_friends store_friends.delay(user, friends) else: self._store_friends(user, friends)
@classmethod def _store_friends(self, user, friends): from django_facebook.models import FacebookUser current_friends = inserted_friends = None # store the users for later retrieval if friends: # see which ids this user already stored base_queryset = FacebookUser.objects.filter( # if none if your friend have a gender clean the old data genders = FacebookUser.objects.filter(, gender__in=('M', 'F')).count() if not genders: FacebookUser.objects.filter( global_defaults = dict( default_dict = {} gender_map = dict(female='F', male='M') gender_map['male (hidden)'] = 'M' gender_map['female (hidden)'] = 'F' for f in friends: name = f.get('name') gender = None if f.get('sex'): gender = gender_map[f.get('sex')] default_dict[str(f['id'])] = dict(name=name, gender=gender) id_field = 'facebook_id' current_friends, inserted_friends = mass_get_or_create( FacebookUser, base_queryset, id_field, default_dict, global_defaults) logger.debug('found %s friends and inserted %s new ones', len(current_friends), len(inserted_friends)) # fire an event, so u can do things like personalizing suggested users # to follow signals.facebook_post_store_friends.send(sender=get_profile_model(), user=user, friends=friends, current_friends=current_friends, inserted_friends=inserted_friends, ) return friends
[docs] def registered_friends(self, user): ''' Returns all profile models which are already registered on your site and a list of friends which are not on your site ''' profile_class = get_profile_model() friends = self.get_friends(limit=1000) if friends: friend_ids = [f['id'] for f in friends] friend_objects = profile_class.objects.filter( facebook_id__in=friend_ids).select_related('user') registered_ids = [f.facebook_id for f in friend_objects] new_friends = [f for f in friends if f['id'] not in registered_ids] else: new_friends = [] friend_objects = profile_class.objects.none() return friend_objects, new_friends