Source code for django_facebook.decorators

from django.utils.decorators import available_attrs
from django.utils.functional import wraps
from django_facebook import settings as fb_settings
from django_facebook.api import get_persistent_graph, require_persistent_graph
from django_facebook.utils import get_oauth_url, parse_scope, response_redirect, \
    has_permissions, simplify_class_decorator
from open_facebook import exceptions as open_facebook_exceptions
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FacebookRequired(object): """ Decorator which makes the view require the given Facebook perms, redirecting to the log-in page if necessary. Note we don't actually query the permissions, we just try in the view and upon a permission error redirect to login_url Querying the permissions would slow down things """ def __init__(self, fn, scope=None, canvas=False, page_tab=False, extra_params=None): self.fn = fn scope = fb_settings.FACEBOOK_DEFAULT_SCOPE if scope is None else scope self.scope = scope self.scope_list = parse_scope(scope) self.canvas = canvas self.page_tab = page_tab self.extra_params = extra_params # canvas pages always need to be csrf excempt csrf_exempt = canvas or page_tab self.csrf_exempt = csrf_exempt
[docs] def authenticate(self, fn, request, *args, **kwargs): ''' Authenticate the user There are three options a.) We have permissions, proceed with the view b.) We tried getting permissions and failed, abort... c.) We are about to ask for permissions ''' redirect_uri = self.get_redirect_uri(request) oauth_url = get_oauth_url( self.scope_list, redirect_uri, extra_params=self.extra_params) graph = get_persistent_graph(request, redirect_uri=redirect_uri) # See if we have all permissions permissions_granted = has_permissions(graph, self.scope_list) if permissions_granted: response = self.execute_view( fn, request, graph=graph, *args, **kwargs) elif request.POST.get('attempt', request.GET.get('attempt')) == '1': # Doing a redirect could end up causing infinite redirects # If Facebook is somehow not giving permissions # Time to show an error page response = self.authentication_failed(fn, request, *args, **kwargs) else: response = self.oauth_redirect(oauth_url, redirect_uri) return response
[docs] def get_redirect_uri(self, request): ''' return the redirect uri to use for oauth authorization this needs to be the same for requesting and accepting the token ''' if self.canvas: redirect_uri = fb_settings.FACEBOOK_CANVAS_PAGE else: redirect_uri = request.build_absolute_uri() # set attempt=1 to prevent endless redirect loops if 'attempt=1' not in redirect_uri: if '?' not in redirect_uri: redirect_uri += '?attempt=1' else: redirect_uri += '&attempt=1' return redirect_uri
def __call__(self): ''' When the decorator is called like this @facebook_required The call will receive Otherwise it will be like @facebook_required(scope=[]) The init will receive the parameters ''' @wraps(self.fn, assigned=available_attrs(self.fn)) def wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs): response = self.authenticate(self.fn, request, *args, **kwargs) return response wrapped_view.csrf_exempt = self.csrf_exempt return wrapped_view
[docs] def oauth_redirect(self, oauth_url, redirect_uri, e=None): ''' Redirect to Facebook's oAuth dialog ''' u'requesting access with redirect uri: %s, error was %s', redirect_uri, e) # for internal Facebook pages we should use a script to redirect script_redirect = False if self.canvas or self.page_tab: script_redirect = True # redirect using HTTP headers or a script response = response_redirect( oauth_url, script_redirect=script_redirect) return response
[docs] def authentication_failed(self, fn, request, *args, **kwargs): ''' Execute the view but don't pass the graph to indicate we couldn't get the right permissions ''' msg = '''\ Somehow Facebook is not giving us the permissions needed Lets cancel instead of endless redirects ''' response = self.execute_view(fn, request, graph=None, *args, **kwargs) return response
def execute_view(self, view_func, *args, **kwargs): try: result = view_func(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError as e: # this might be another error type error, raise it # the only way I know to check this is the message :( if 'graph' not in str(e): raise graph = kwargs.pop('graph', None) result = view_func(*args, **kwargs) return result
# decorators should look like functions :) facebook_required = simplify_class_decorator(FacebookRequired)
[docs]class FacebookRequiredLazy(FacebookRequired): """ Decorator which makes the view require the given Facebook perms, redirecting to the log-in page if necessary. Based on exceptions instead of a permission check Faster, but more prone to bugs Use this in combination with require_persistent_graph """ def authenticate(self, fn, request, *args, **kwargs): redirect_uri = self.get_redirect_uri(request) oauth_url = get_oauth_url( self.scope_list, redirect_uri, extra_params=self.extra_params) graph = None try: # call get persistent graph and convert the # token with correct redirect uri graph = require_persistent_graph( request, redirect_uri=redirect_uri) # Note we're not requiring a persistent graph here # You should require a persistent graph in the view when you start # using this response = self.execute_view( fn, request, graph=graph, *args, **kwargs) except open_facebook_exceptions.OpenFacebookException as e: permission_granted = has_permissions(graph, self.scope_list) if permission_granted: # an error if we already have permissions # shouldn't have been caught # raise to prevent bugs with error mapping to cause issues raise elif request.POST.get('attempt', request.GET.get('attempt')) == '1': # Doing a redirect could end up causing infinite redirects # If Facebook is somehow not giving permissions # Time to show an error page response = self.authentication_failed( fn, request, *args, **kwargs) else: response = self.oauth_redirect(oauth_url, redirect_uri, e) return response
# decorators should look like functions :) facebook_required_lazy = simplify_class_decorator(FacebookRequiredLazy)