
0.) Create a Facebook App

You need a facebook app to use the open graph API and make the login process work. If you don’t have a facebook app, now is the time to create one. You can create a facebook app at this url.

Facebook authentication only works if the domain you are working on matches your app domain. Be sure to configure the right app domain in your facebook application settings.

An example:

Your site is, your app domain is set to and you do your development at If you try to authenticate with Facebook from a different domain you will get an authentication error.

1.) Pip install

pip install django_facebook

2.) Settings

Define the following settings in your file:


Context processor

add django facebook to your installed apps:


Add this line to your context processors (TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting):

# and add request if you didn't do so already

The full setting on a new django 1.5 app looks like this


Auth backend

Add this to your AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting:


The full setting on a new django 1.5 app looks like this:


3.) Urls Now, add this line to your url config:

(r'^facebook/', include('django_facebook.urls')),
(r'^accounts/', include('django_facebook.auth_urls')), #Don't add this line if you use django registration or userena for registration and auth.

4.) Update your models

The following step depends on your version of Django. Django versions before 1.5 need to use a custom profile model. Whereas Django 1.5 and up can use a custom user model.

A. Custom user model

If you don’t already have a custom user model, simply uses the provided model by setting your AUTH_USER_MODEL to FacebookCustomUser:

AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'django_facebook.FacebookCustomUser'

Alternatively use the abstract model provided in django_facebook.models.FacebookProfileModel


Please note that Django Facebook does not support custom user models with USERNAME_FIELD different than username.

B. Profile model

If you don’t already have a custom Profile model, simply uses the provided model by setting your AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE to FacebookProfile:

AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'django_facebook.FacebookProfile'

Be sure to run syncdb after setting this up.

Otherwise Django Facebook provides an abstract model which you can inherit like this.

from django.db import models
from django.dispatch.dispatcher import receiver
from django_facebook.models import FacebookModel
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django_facebook.utils import get_user_model, get_profile_model
from your_project import settings

class MyCustomProfile(FacebookModel):
    user = models.OneToOneField(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)

    def create_profile(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
        """Create a matching profile whenever a user object is created."""
        if sender == get_user_model():
            user = instance
            profile_model = get_profile_model()
        if profile_model == MyCustomProfile and created:
            profile, new = MyCustomProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=instance)``

Remember to update AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE in settings to your new profile. Don’t forget to update your database using syncdb or south after this step.

Note: You need a profile model attached to every user model. For new accounts this will get created automatically, but you will need to migrate older accounts.


Right now you should have a working registration/connect/login in flow available at /facebook/example/! Test if everything is working and ensure you didn’t miss a step somewhere. If you encounter any difficulties please open an issue.

Of course you now want to customize things like the login button, the page after registration etc. This is explained in the integration section.