Source code for open_facebook.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Open Facebook allows you to use Facebook's open graph API with simple python code


    * Supported and maintained
    * Tested so people can contribute
    * Facebook exceptions are mapped
    * Logging

**Basic examples**::

    facebook = OpenFacebook(access_token)

    # Getting info about me

    # Learning some more about fashiolista

    # Writing your first comment
    facebook.set('fashiolista/comments', message='I love Fashiolista!')

    # Posting to a users wall
    facebook.set('me/feed', message='check out fashiolista',

    # Liking a page

    # Getting who likes cocacola

    # Use fql to retrieve your name
    facebook.fql('SELECT name FROM user WHERE uid = me()')

    # Executing fql in batch
        'SELECT uid, name, pic_square FROM user WHERE uid = me()',
        'SELECT uid, rsvp_status FROM event_member WHERE eid=12345678',

    # Uploading pictures
    photo_urls = [
    for photo in photo_urls:
        print facebook.set('me/feed', message='Check out Fashiolista',
                           picture=photo, url='')

**Getting an access token**

Once you get your access token, Open Facebook gives you access to the Facebook API
There are 3 ways of getting a facebook access_token and these are currently
implemented by Django Facebook.

1. code is passed as request parameter and traded for an
    access_token using the api

2. code is passed through a signed cookie and traded for an access_token

3. access_token is passed directly (retrieved through javascript, which
    would be bad security, or through one of the mobile flows.)

If you are looking to develop your own flow for a different framework have a look at
Facebook's documentation:

Also have a look at the :class:`.FacebookRequired` decorator and :func:`get_persistent_graph` function to
understand the required functionality

**Api docs**:


from django.http import QueryDict
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.http import urlencode
from django_facebook import settings as facebook_settings
from open_facebook import exceptions as facebook_exceptions
from open_facebook.utils import json, encode_params, send_warning, memoized, \
    stop_statsd, start_statsd
import logging

from django_facebook.utils import to_int
import ssl
import re

    # python 2 imports
    from urlparse import urlparse
    from urllib2 import build_opener, HTTPError, URLError
except ImportError:
    # python 3 imports
    from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
    from urllib.request import build_opener

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# base timeout, actual timeout will increase when requests fail
# two retries was too little, sometimes facebook is a bit flaky

[docs]class FacebookConnection(object): ''' Shared utility class implementing the parsing of Facebook API responses ''' api_url = '' # this older url is still used for fql requests old_api_url = '' @classmethod
[docs] def request(cls, path='', post_data=None, old_api=False, **params): ''' Main function for sending the request to facebook **Example**:: FacebookConnection.request('me') :param path: The path to request, examples: /me/friends/, /me/likes/ :param post_data: A dictionary of data to post :param parms: The get params to include ''' api_base_url = cls.old_api_url if old_api else cls.api_url if getattr(cls, 'access_token', None): params['access_token'] = cls.access_token url = '%s%s?%s' % (api_base_url, path, urlencode(params)) response = cls._request(url, post_data) return response
@classmethod def _request(cls, url, post_data=None, timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT, attempts=REQUEST_ATTEMPTS): # change fb__explicitly_shared to fb:explicitly_shared if post_data: post_data = dict( (k.replace('__', ':'), v) for k, v in post_data.items())'requesting url %s with post data %s', url, post_data) post_request = (post_data is not None or 'method=post' in url) if post_request and facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_READ_ONLY:'running in readonly mode') response = dict(id=123456789, setting_read_only=True) return response # nicely identify ourselves before sending the request opener = build_opener() opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Open Facebook Python')] # get the statsd path to track response times with path = urlparse(url).path statsd_path = path.replace('.', '_') # give it a few shots, connection is buggy at times timeout_mp = 0 while attempts: # gradually increase the timeout upon failure timeout_mp += 1 extended_timeout = timeout * timeout_mp response_file = None encoded_params = encode_params(post_data) if post_data else None post_string = (urlencode(encoded_params) if post_data else None) try: start_statsd('facebook.%s' % statsd_path) try: response_file = url, post_string, timeout=extended_timeout) response ='utf8') except (HTTPError,) as e: response_file = e response ='utf8') # Facebook sents error codes for many of their flows # we still want the json to allow for proper handling msg_format = 'FB request, error type %s, code %s' logger.warn(msg_format, type(e), getattr(e, 'code', None)) # detect if its a server or application error server_error = cls.is_server_error(e, response) if server_error: # trigger a retry raise URLError( 'Facebook is down %s' % response) break except (HTTPError, URLError, ssl.SSLError) as e: # These are often temporary errors, so we will retry before # failing error_format = 'Facebook encountered a timeout (%ss) or error %s' logger.warn(error_format, extended_timeout, str(e)) attempts -= 1 if not attempts: # if we have no more attempts actually raise the error error_instance = facebook_exceptions.convert_unreachable_exception( e) error_msg = 'Facebook request failed after several retries, raising error %s' logger.warn(error_msg, error_instance) raise error_instance finally: if response_file: response_file.close() stop_statsd('facebook.%s' % statsd_path) # Faceboook response is either # Valid json # A string which is a querydict (a=b&c=d...etc) # A html page stating FB is having trouble (but that shouldnt reach # this part of the code) try: parsed_response = json.loads(response)'facebook send response %s' % parsed_response) except Exception as e: # using exception because we need to support multiple json libs :S parsed_response = QueryDict(response, True)'facebook send response %s' % parsed_response) if parsed_response and isinstance(parsed_response, dict): # of course we have two different syntaxes if parsed_response.get('error'): cls.raise_error(parsed_response['error']['type'], parsed_response['error']['message'], parsed_response['error'].get('code')) elif parsed_response.get('error_code'): cls.raise_error(parsed_response['error_code'], parsed_response['error_msg']) return parsed_response @classmethod
[docs] def is_server_error(cls, e, response): ''' Checks an HTTPError to see if Facebook is down or we are using the API in the wrong way Facebook doesn't clearly distinquish between the two, so this is a bit of a hack ''' from open_facebook.utils import is_json server_error = False if hasattr(e, 'code') and e.code == 500: server_error = True # Facebook status codes are used for application logic # # The only way I know to detect an actual server error is to check if # it looks like their error page # TODO: think of a better solution.... error_matchers = [ '<title>Facebook | Error</title>', 'Sorry, something went wrong.' ] is_error_page = all( [matcher in response for matcher in error_matchers]) if is_error_page: server_error = True # if it looks like json, facebook is probably not down if is_json(response): server_error = False return server_error
[docs] def raise_error(cls, error_type, message, error_code=None): ''' Lookup the best error class for the error and raise it **Example**:: FacebookConnection.raise_error(10, 'OAuthException') :param error_type: the error type from the facebook api call :param message: the error message from the facebook api call :param error_code: optionally the error code which facebook send ''' default_error_class = facebook_exceptions.OpenFacebookException # get the error code error_code = error_code or cls.get_code_from_message(message) # also see'Trying to match error code %s to error class', error_code) # lookup by error code takes precedence error_class = cls.match_error_code(error_code) # try to get error class by direct lookup if not error_class: if not isinstance(error_type, int): error_class = getattr(facebook_exceptions, error_type, None) if error_class and not issubclass(error_class, default_error_class): error_class = None # hack for missing parameters if 'Missing' in message and 'parameter' in message: error_class = facebook_exceptions.MissingParameter # hack for Unsupported delete request if 'Unsupported delete request' in message: error_class = facebook_exceptions.UnsupportedDeleteRequest # fallback to the default if not error_class: error_class = default_error_class'Matched error to class %s', error_class) error_message = message if error_code: # this is handy when adding new exceptions for facebook errors error_message = u'%s (error code %s)' % (message, error_code) raise error_class(error_message)
@classmethod def get_code_from_message(cls, message): # map error classes to facebook error codes # find the error code error_code = None error_code_re = re.compile('\(#(\d+)\)') matches = error_code_re.match(message) matching_groups = matches.groups() if matches else None if matching_groups: error_code = to_int(matching_groups[0]) or None return error_code @classmethod def get_sorted_exceptions(cls): from open_facebook.exceptions import get_exception_classes exception_classes = get_exception_classes() exception_classes.sort(key=lambda e: e.range()) return exception_classes @classmethod
[docs] def match_error_code(cls, error_code): ''' Return the right exception class for the error code ''' exception_classes = cls.get_sorted_exceptions() error_class = None for class_ in exception_classes: codes_list = class_.codes_list() # match the error class matching_error_class = None for code in codes_list: if isinstance(code, tuple): start, stop = code if error_code and start <= error_code <= stop: matching_error_class = class_'Matched error on code %s', code) elif isinstance(code, (int, six.integer_types)): if int(code) == error_code: matching_error_class = class_'Matched error on code %s', code) else: raise( ValueError, 'Dont know how to handle %s of ' 'type %s' % (code, type(code))) # tell about the happy news if we found something if matching_error_class: error_class = matching_error_class break return error_class
[docs]class FacebookAuthorization(FacebookConnection): ''' Methods for getting us an access token There are several flows we must support * js authentication flow (signed cookie) * facebook app authentication flow (signed cookie) * facebook oauth redirect (code param in url) These 3 options need to be converted to an access token Also handles several testing scenarios * get app access token * create test user * get_or_create_test_user ''' @classmethod
[docs] def convert_code(cls, code, redirect_uri=''): ''' Turns a code into an access token **Example**:: FacebookAuthorization.convert_code(code) :param code: The code to convert :param redirect_uri: The redirect uri with which the code was requested :returns: dict ''' kwargs = cls._client_info() kwargs['code'] = code kwargs['redirect_uri'] = redirect_uri response = cls.request('oauth/access_token', **kwargs) return response
[docs] def extend_access_token(cls, access_token): ''' We can extend the token only once per day Normal short lived tokens last 1-2 hours Long lived tokens (given by extending) last 60 days **Example**:: FacebookAuthorization.extend_access_token(access_token) :param access_token: The access_token to extend :returns: dict ''' kwargs = cls._client_info() kwargs['grant_type'] = 'fb_exchange_token' kwargs['fb_exchange_token'] = access_token response = cls.request('oauth/access_token', **kwargs) return response
@classmethod def _client_info(cls): kwargs = dict(client_id=facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_APP_ID) kwargs['client_secret'] = facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET return kwargs @classmethod
[docs] def parse_signed_data(cls, signed_request, secret=facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET): ''' Thanks to and ''' from open_facebook.utils import base64_url_decode_php_style l = signed_request.split('.', 2) encoded_sig = l[0] payload = l[1] from open_facebook.utils import json sig = base64_url_decode_php_style(encoded_sig) import hmac import hashlib data = json.loads(base64_url_decode_php_style(payload)) algo = data.get('algorithm').upper() if algo != 'HMAC-SHA256': error_format = 'Unknown algorithm we only support HMAC-SHA256 user asked for %s' error_message = error_format % algo send_warning(error_message) logger.error('Unknown algorithm') return None else: expected_sig =, msg=payload, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() if sig != expected_sig: error_format = 'Signature %s didnt match the expected signature %s' error_message = error_format % (sig, expected_sig) send_warning(error_message) return None else: logger.debug('valid signed request received..') return data
[docs] def get_app_access_token(cls): ''' Get the access_token for the app that can be used for insights and creating test users application_id = retrieved from the developer page application_secret = retrieved from the developer page returns the application access_token ''' kwargs = { 'grant_type': 'client_credentials', 'client_id': facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_APP_ID, 'client_secret': facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET, } response = cls.request('oauth/access_token', **kwargs) return response['access_token']
@memoized @classmethod def get_cached_app_access_token(cls): ''' Caches the access token in memory, good for speeding up testing ''' app_access_token = cls.get_app_access_token() return app_access_token @classmethod
[docs] def create_test_user(cls, app_access_token, permissions=None, name=None): ''' Creates a test user with the given permissions and name :param app_access_token: The application's access token :param permissions: The list of permissions to request for the test user :param name: Optionally specify the name ''' if not permissions: permissions = ['read_stream', 'publish_stream', 'user_photos,offline_access'] if isinstance(permissions, list): permissions = ','.join(permissions) default_name = 'Permissions %s' % permissions.replace( ',', ' ').replace('_', '') name = name or default_name kwargs = { 'access_token': app_access_token, 'installed': True, 'name': name, 'method': 'post', 'permissions': permissions, } path = '%s/accounts/test-users' % facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_APP_ID # add the test user data to the test user data class test_user_data = cls.request(path, **kwargs) test_user_data['name'] = name test_user = TestUser(test_user_data) return test_user
[docs] def get_or_create_test_user(cls, app_access_token, name=None, permissions=None, force_create=False): ''' There is no supported way of get or creating a test user However - creating a test user takes around 5s - you an only create 500 test users So this slows your testing flow quite a bit. This method checks your test users Queries their names (stores the permissions in the name) ''' if not permissions: permissions = ['read_stream', 'publish_stream', 'publish_actions', 'user_photos,offline_access'] if isinstance(permissions, list): permissions = ','.join(permissions) # hacking the permissions into the name of the test user default_name = 'Permissions %s' % permissions.replace( ',', ' ').replace('_', '') name = name or default_name # retrieve all test users test_users = cls.get_test_users(app_access_token) user_id_dict = dict([(int(u['id']), u) for u in test_users]) user_ids = map(str, user_id_dict.keys()) # use fql to figure out their names facebook = OpenFacebook(app_access_token) users = facebook.fql('SELECT uid, name FROM user WHERE uid in (%s)' % ','.join(user_ids)) users_dict = dict([(u['name'], u['uid']) for u in users]) user_id = users_dict.get(name) if force_create and user_id: # we need the users access_token, the app access token doesn't # always work, seems to be a bug in the Facebook api test_user_data = user_id_dict[user_id] cls.delete_test_user(test_user_data['access_token'], user_id) user_id = None if user_id: # we found our user, extend the data a bit test_user_data = user_id_dict[user_id] test_user_data['name'] = name test_user = TestUser(test_user_data) else: # create the user test_user = cls.create_test_user( app_access_token, permissions, name) return test_user
@classmethod def get_test_users(cls, app_access_token): kwargs = dict(access_token=app_access_token) path = '%s/accounts/test-users' % facebook_settings.FACEBOOK_APP_ID # retrieve all test users response = cls.request(path, **kwargs) test_users = response['data'] return test_users @classmethod def delete_test_user(cls, app_access_token, test_user_id): kwargs = dict(access_token=app_access_token, method='delete') path = '%s/' % test_user_id # retrieve all test users response = cls.request(path, **kwargs) return response @classmethod def delete_test_users(cls, app_access_token): # retrieve all test users test_users = cls.get_test_users(app_access_token) test_user_ids = [u['id'] for u in test_users] for test_user_id in test_user_ids: cls.delete_test_user(app_access_token, test_user_id)
[docs]class OpenFacebook(FacebookConnection): ''' The main api class, initialize using **Example**:: graph = OpenFacebook(access_token) print(graph.get('me')) ''' def __init__(self, access_token=None, prefetched_data=None, expires=None, current_user_id=None, version=None): ''' :param access_token: The facebook Access token ''' self.access_token = access_token # extra data coming from signed cookies self.prefetched_data = prefetched_data # store to enable detection for offline usage self.expires = expires # hook to store the current user id if representing the # facebook connection to a logged in user :) self.current_user_id = current_user_id if version is None: version = 'v1.0' self.version = version def __getstate__(self): ''' Turns the object into something easy to serialize ''' state = dict( access_token=self.access_token, prefetched_data=self.prefetched_data, expires=self.expires, ) return state def __setstate__(self, state): ''' Restores the object from the state dict ''' self.access_token = state['access_token'] self.prefetched_data = state['prefetched_data'] self.expires = state['expires']
[docs] def is_authenticated(self): ''' Ask facebook if we have access to the users data :returns: bool ''' try: me = except facebook_exceptions.OpenFacebookException as e: if isinstance(e, facebook_exceptions.OAuthException): raise me = None authenticated = bool(me) return authenticated
[docs] def get(self, path, version=None, **kwargs): ''' Make a Facebook API call **Example**:: open_facebook.get('me') open_facebook.get('me', fields='id,name') :param path: The path to use for making the API call :returns: dict ''' version = version or self.version kwargs['version'] = version response = self.request(path, **kwargs) return response
[docs] def get_many(self, *ids, **kwargs): ''' Make a batched Facebook API call For multiple ids **Example**:: open_facebook.get('me', 'starbucks') open_facebook.get('me', 'starbucks', fields='id,name') :param path: The path to use for making the API call :returns: dict ''' kwargs['ids'] = ','.join(ids) return self.request(**kwargs)
[docs] def set(self, path, params=None, version=None, **post_data): ''' Write data to facebook **Example**:: open_facebook.set('me/feed', message='testing open facebook') :param path: The path to use for making the API call :param params: A dictionary of get params :param post_data: The kwargs for posting to facebook :returns: dict ''' version = version or self.version assert self.access_token, 'Write operations require an access token' if not params: params = {} params['method'] = 'post' params['version'] = version response = self.request(path, post_data=post_data, **params) return response
[docs] def delete(self, path, *args, **kwargs): ''' Delete the given bit of data **Example**:: graph.delete(12345) :param path: the id of the element to remove ''' kwargs['method'] = 'delete' self.request(path, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def fql(self, query, **kwargs): ''' Runs the specified query against the Facebook FQL API. **Example**:: open_facebook.fql('SELECT name FROM user WHERE uid = me()') :param query: The query to execute :param kwargs: Extra options to send to facebook :returns: dict ''' kwargs['q'] = query path = 'fql' response = self.request(path, **kwargs) # return only the data for backward compatability return response['data']
[docs] def batch_fql(self, queries_dict): ''' queries_dict a dict with the required queries returns the query results in: **Example**:: response = facebook.batch_fql({ name: 'SELECT uid, name, pic_square FROM user WHERE uid = me()', rsvp: 'SELECT uid, rsvp_status FROM event_member WHERE eid=12345678', }) # accessing the results response['fql_results']['name'] response['fql_results']['rsvp'] :param queries_dict: A dictiontary of queries to execute :returns: dict ''' query = json.dumps(queries_dict) query_results = self.fql(query) named_results = dict( [(r['name'], r['fql_result_set']) for r in query_results]) return named_results
[docs] def me(self): ''' Cached method of requesting information about me ''' me = getattr(self, '_me', None) if me is None: self._me = me = self.get('me') return me
[docs] def permissions(self): ''' Shortcut for self.get('me/permissions') with some extra parsing to turn it into a dictionary of booleans :returns: dict ''' permissions_dict = {} try: permissions = {} permissions_response = self.get('me/permissions') # determine whether we're dealing with 1.0 or 2.0+ for permission in permissions_response.get('data', []): # graph api 2.0+, returns multiple dicts with keys 'status' and # 'permission' if any(value in ['granted', 'declined'] for value in permission.values()): for perm in permissions_response['data']: grant = perm.get('status') == 'granted' name = perm.get('permission') # just in case something goes sideways if grant and name: permissions_dict[name] = grant # graph api 1.0, returns single dict as {permission: intval} elif any(value in [0, 1, '0', '1'] for value in permission.values()): permissions = permissions_response['data'][0] permissions_dict = dict([(k, bool(int(v))) for k, v in permissions.items() if v == '1' or v == 1]) break except facebook_exceptions.OAuthException: pass return permissions_dict
[docs] def has_permissions(self, required_permissions): ''' Validate if all the required_permissions are currently given by the user **Example**:: open_facebook.has_permissions(['publish_actions','read_stream']) :param required_permissions: A list of required permissions :returns: bool ''' permissions_dict = self.permissions() # see if we have all permissions has_permissions = True for permission in required_permissions: if permission not in permissions_dict: has_permissions = False return has_permissions
[docs] def my_image_url(self, size='large'): ''' Returns the image url from your profile Shortcut for me/picture :param size: the type of the image to request, see facebook for available formats :returns: string ''' query_dict = QueryDict('', True) query_dict['type'] = size query_dict['access_token'] = self.access_token url = '%sme/picture?%s' % (self.api_url, query_dict.urlencode()) return url
def request(self, path='', post_data=None, old_api=False, version=None, **params): url = self.get_request_url(path=path, old_api=old_api, version=version, **params)'requesting url %s', url) response = self._request(url, post_data) return response
[docs] def get_request_url(self, path='', old_api=False, version=None, **params): ''' Gets the url for the request. ''' api_base_url = self.old_api_url if old_api else self.api_url version = version or self.version if getattr(self, 'access_token', None): params['access_token'] = self.access_token if api_base_url.endswith('/'): api_base_url = api_base_url[:-1] if path and path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] url = '/'.join([api_base_url, version, path]) return '%s?%s' % (url, urlencode(params))
class TestUser(object): ''' Simple wrapper around test users ''' def __init__(self, data): = data['name'] = data['id'] self.access_token = data['access_token'] = data def graph(self): graph = OpenFacebook(self.access_token) return graph def __repr__(self): return 'Test user %s' %